-The Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy is the future in the world of disease diagnosis and treatment for the many advantages it offers over the open surgery.
How is laparoscopic surgery performed?
Laparoscopic surgery is a simple procedure performed under general anesthesia. After the patient is subjected to the anesthesia, some small surgical openings, which are not more than 1 cm in length are made and through which the laparoscopic tools are inserted. Tools are connected to a monitor through which the doctor observe the inside of the patient's bowels.
The patient is then moved to the recovery room to regain consciousness and then move to the normal room until the exit.
6 Benefits of laparoscopic surgery over open surgery:
1-The size of the wound is much smaller in the laparoscopic surgery, where the length is only about 1 and a half cm compared to the open surgery where the length of the wound extends to 10 cm.
2-Less pain in laparoscopic surgery due to the small size of the wound, which is relieved by simple analgesics.
3-Less blood loss in laparoscopic surgery due to the use of the latest advanced technologies.
4-Less hospitalization due to the small size of the wound and lack of pain and blood loss.
5-The patient can return to normal life within 3-5 days of the process due to the speed tissue healing.
6-Avoidance of the adhesions in cases while open surgery is often followed by the occurrence of some adhesions in the abdomen, unlike laparoscopic surgeries.
What are the uses of Laparoscopy?
The laparoscopic surgeries are used to diagnose and treat many gynaecological diseases and are used in cases of repeated IVF process failure of microscopic injections and delayed pregnancy cases to help to reach the main cause of pregnancy delay.
Here are some Of these uses:
1-Resection of ovarian tumours and cysts.
3-Treatment of adhesions in cases of infertility and delayed pregnancy.
4-Checking and tubal ligation of the fallopian tubes in case of their obstruction.
6-Finding out the cause of repeated bleeding.
7-Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
8-Diagnosis and treatment of certain uterine abnormalities.
10-Exploration of the reproductive system cancers.
What is Hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is a simple procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of many gynaecological diseases... Through the insertion of a thin tube connected to a source of light, to the uterus through the cervix.
What do you expect after a Hysteroscopy?
1-If the process is only diagnostic and no surgical intervention has been performed, expect to have blood drops or secretions for two or three days at most.
2-If there is a surgical procedure such as the removal of the uterine septum, expect a blood-like menstrual period of 3-5 days.
3-Expect some simple colic that resembles the menstrual cramps lasts for one or two days and is easy to be relieved by simple painkillers.
4-The patient can exercise her normal life and perform her daily tasks from the second day normally.
Any preparations before the Hysteroscopy?
There are no special preparations for the Hysteroscopy, only fasting before it for 6-8 hours.
What about the Hysteroscopy anesthesia?
Originally, the diagnostic hysteroscopy is done without anesthesia, but due to the many women's fears of the Hysteroscopy, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia.
What cannot the Hysteroscopy detect?
1-It cannot recognize if the Fallopian tubes are passable or not.
2-It cannot recognize if there are any adhesions in the pelvis or not.
3-Does not diagnose Polycystic ovarian syndrome or ovarian cysts.
4-Can not determine the embryo implantation place as alleged by some.
5-Cannot remove fibroids from inside or outside the uterus.
7 Reasons for Hysteroscopy operation:
1-Knowing the reason for unexplained bleeding.
2-Intrauterine adhesions.
3-Uterine septum and uterine polyps cases.
4-Diagnosis and removal of fibroid in the uterine cavity provided that its size is less than 4 cm.
5-Blocking the fallopian tubes in case of purulent swelling and preferably the IVF process is done in the month following the Hysteroscopy.
6-Removing the coil which the doctor cannot remove.
7-Cauterization of the endometrium in cases of incurable bleeding in the old age who is unable to do Hysterectomy.
What is the usefulness of the Hysteroscopy operation before IVF?
Hysteroscopy can detect the presence of uterine septum, adenoids, uterine adhesions or fibroids as all these disorders can cause IVF process failures.
You can't do Hysteroscopy in these cases:
1. In case of a menstrual cycle.
2. In case of acute Fallopian tubes inflammations.