Patient Guide

10 Information about Endometriosis!

10 Information about Endometriosis!

1-Simply, Endometriosis is a benign disease, but it causes chronic and severe pain. It is the presence of tissues similar to the tissues of the uterus outside the uterine cavity where this lining grows on both sides of the uterus and extends to the fallopian tubes and ovaries or to the cervix causing inflammation, then adhesions and pelvic pain periodically.

2-It is a disease that has no definite treatment except pregnancy, so the shortest way to get rid of it is pregnancy!

3-The incidence of the disease is 10-15% of the society and we see this disease in 30-50% of cases of delayed pregnancy.

4-There is no specific reason, science has found some theories and researches. One of them, that the reason for this imbalance is in the immunity of the lady.

5-Types of Endometriosis:
-Specks on the ovaries or on the uterus.
-Blood cysts on the ovary.

6-Why does Endometriosis cause delay in pregnancy?
Because it causes:
-Fallopian tubes injury (blockage, swelling, adhesions)
-Or an ovarian injury (reducing ovarian stock) resulting in delayed pregnancy.

7-How is it diagnosed?
It is diagnosed with sonar, or if the lady suffers from its symptoms and has not been diagnosed with sonar, the Laparoscopic intervention for diagnosis and treatment is carried out.

8-Pain alone is not a guarantee for the diagnosis of Endometriosis. Having pain with the menstrual cycle or in the pelvis does not necessarily mean the presence of Endometriosis.
The causes of women's pain are many and Endometriosis is only one of them.

9-Endometriosis pain can be relieved by certain medications prescribed by the physician.
If the woman is older than 40 years, does not want to have a baby and suffers from the pain of Endometriosis, the best solution is Hysterectomy or ovariectomy or sometimes, the nerve conducting pain is cut to relieve her suffering.

10-Is it possible for Endometriosis to relapse after treatment?
The answer is yes, with a ratio of 20-50% and is handled.